IQ - Intellektuel intelligens  EQ - følelsernes intelligens




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Konfliktløsning med EQ

"Det er et faktum at for mennesker med identisk IQ, vil nogle være
 bedre end andre.  Der  er altså en intelligens hinsides den traditionelle intelligens.
 Denne intelligens er følelsernes intelligens, EQ
(emotional intelligence)
 Når følelser er accepterede og kanaliseret konstruktivt, vil de forstærke
de intellektuelle præstationer."

EXECUTIVE EQ   - Robert Cooper and Ayman Sawaf

"Problemer kan ikke blive løst med den samme form 
for intelligens som skabte dem."

Albert Einstein


"With a high IQ, you may get hired by a reputable company,
but with a high EQ you will get promoted.

With a high IQ, you can write a perfect buisness plan,
but with a high EQ you can turn it into a successful enterprise.

With a high IQ, you can study principles and values
but with a high EQ you can live them every day.

With a high IQ, you can become a whiz at the daily work routine
but with a high EQ you can thrive during times of change and uncertainty.

With a high IQ, you can brilliantly defend your own viewpoint,
but with a high EQ you can listen to your heart and benefit from many views.

With a high IQ, you can devise a clever strategic plan,
but with a high EQ you can personalize it and win new buisness.

With a high IQ, you can an efficient professional or manager
but with a high EQ you can become a great leader."

Fra: EXECUTIVE EQ   - Robert Cooper and Ayman Sawaf

EQ i grupper / projektarbejde

I følge Robert Cooper er en gruppes kollektive EQ den absolut vigtigste faktor for succes:
"Emotions are powerful organizers of thought and action, and are, paradoxically, indispensable for reasoning and rationality. EQ also comes to the aid of IQ when you need to solve important problems or make a key decision, and enables you to accomplish this in a superior fashion and a fraction of time - a few minutes, or even moments..."(s. xxxiv)

Gruppens effektivitet påvirkes ikke synderligt af at et enkelt medlem har en relativt lavere IQ. Derimod kan blot en enkelt projektdeltager med en lav EQ stå i vejen for succes:
"In meetings and other group settings where people come together to collaborate, there is a strong sense of group IQ, the sum total of intellectual knowledge and skills in the room. However, the single most important element in group intelligence is not average, or highest IQ, but emotional intelligence. A single participant who is low in EQ can lower the collective IQ of the entire group. Chris Argyris, from Harward, ask, "How can a group where everyone has an individual IQ of 130 get together and collectively end up with an IQ of 65?"" (s. xxxv)

EQ - konflikt løsning  - KONSTRUKTIV UENIGHED

Vær ikke bange for konflikter - forskellige meninger, men :
"Stay open when things heat up" EXECUTIVE EQ 

"Companies that create the future are rebels. 
They´re subversives. They break the rules. 
They´re filled with people who take the other side of an issue just to spark a debate. 
In fact, they´re probably filled with people who didn´t mind being sent to the principals office once in a while."  
Gary Hamel C.K.Prahlad, Seing the future first

"It is possible to fashion various mechanisms for coping with conflict. 
Better yet would be for the organization to fashion a culture that appreciates the creative power of conflict and seeks to harness it."  
Michael Hammer, Beyond Reengineering

"What has no shadow has no strength to live"   Czeslaw Miloz Nobel prisvinder

Tillad i  diskussioner at lade jeres følelser og personlige engagement komme op!
Men lad samtidig ikke følelserne løbe af med jer. Indentificer jer ikke med følelserne,
men lad dem alligevel komme til orde. 
(Hold fødderne varme om vinteren og hovedet koldt som sommeren -
 pausers betydning)

Hvis gryden er ved at koge over,
kan det måske være en god ide at tale roligt og langsommere dog UDEN at lægge låg på.
Vær opmærksom på om jeres emotionelle "drive" er rettet mod bolden eller manden.
Er det SAGEN eller personlige magtkampe i brænder for?
Ofte kan der være en skjult dagsorden i form af magtkampe med urene tacklinger.
Men selv hvis i opdager at det er tilfældet, så lad det  stadig komme til udtryk. Opmærksomhed er i sig selv er ofte nok. (GM)

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